7 Proven Home Remedies to Intercept and Manage Neck Stiffness Problem

A stiff neck can be quite agonizing and hinder with your regular activities, as well as your potential to get a good night’s sleep. The numbers of stiff neck problems are rising with the widespread use of mobile devices and computers, which forces people to crane their necks at inappropriate angles. Looking down at your smartphone, laptop, or other devices is the most usual cause of neck pain. This hunched posture puts tension on the muscles and soft tissues of your neck.

Some other neck stiffness causes are,

  • Poor posture
  • Clenched jaw
  • Excess stress
  • Repetitive neck motion
  • Neck or spinal injury
  • Osteoarthritis

Neck Stiffness: When to consult the doctor?

If your neck pain impedes with your regular affairs, you must seek effective relief from a pain management specialist in Singapore

Some additional reasons you should look for medical care are,

  • The pain started after meeting with a minor or major injury
  • Pain that advances down your arms or legs
  • Infirmity in your arms, hands, or legs
  • Headache with pain

Neck stiffness: Effective home remedies

Though consulting with a neck pain specialist would always be a great idea, but the following home remedies can be looked at as an effective neck stiffness relief solution as well.

Create ergonomic workplace

Most people work in front of a computer desk for as long as 8-10 hours a day. This can lead to a seriously stiff neck as well as other health disorders. 

Some effective methods to prevent a stiff neck at work,


  • Rearrange your chair into a cozy stance with your feet plain on the floor and your knees a bit downward than your hips.
  • Follow ergonomic position while sitting, with your back straight ward and your arms side by side to the desk.

Adjust sleep environment

Managing your sleep habitats can help mitigate a stiff neck problem. 

Some ways to alternate your sleep domain includes the following,

  • Getting a comfortable mattress
  • Choosing a neck pillow
  • Sleeping on your back or side 
  • Meditating before going to sleep
  • Putting on a mouth guard if you’re grinding your teeth during sleep

Daily exercise

Regular exercise can help nourish your muscles to stop injuries. Daily exercise can also help you to enhance your stance to mitigate and prevent neck stiffness. It’s also a magnificent way to alleviate the stress that may be leading your stiff neck.

Stress reduction

Excess stress can lead you to tighten the muscles in your neck. Minimizing stress can assist to treat and stop neck pain and stiffness. 

You may choose to mitigate excess stress in the following ways,

  • Listening to music
  • Meditation
  • Going for a vacation or break, even if it’s just for a few miles away from the office or home or any stressful environment
  • Doing something that relishes you

Limit physical activity

If your neck stiffness and pain began after involving in physical activity, you must restrict that activity until the stiffness goes away. However, you should control heavy lifting and activities that may fuel your neck muscles any time when dealing with neck pain.

Get chiropractic care

A certified chiropractor can influence muscles and joints to give pain relief. This type of physical therapy can be agonizing or painful to some, so first, you must discuss your comfort with a pain doctor.

Get massage therapy

Getting a regular massage by a trained practitioner can help you to loosen and expand your neck and back muscles, which will eventually fade the stiffness and pain.



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