Introduction: - With age, your body will start losing the flexibility that it used to have. You will start facing new difficulties that can restrict your normal life. One such problem is lower back pain which affects a large portion of people. It usually starts when you reach a certain age. Not only can you hot walk around at your old pace, but also face issues with sleeping. There are many methods to treat it but some of them can risk your health. It is not easy to have surgery and face the after-effects. Before you visit a clinic for lower back pain in Singapore , read these natural methods of treatment: l Make your posture better: - Back pain can become worse if you not sitting properly. Your posture can have a huge impact on the overall condition of your neck portion. Instead of sitting on the bed, use a chair to read articles. Do not sit in one region for a long period. You will feel much better if you take small breaks and walk around a bit. Make...